Divi-Modules – Table Maker brings the convenience of responsive tables directly to the Divi builder – without the need for third-party plugins and shortcodes. Style every part of the table from content to columns, headers to footers, right down to individual cells.
Table Basics:
Tables can include any combination of table content, column header, column footer, row header, and row footer cells.
Table Configuration:
Tables can have multiple column and row headers and footers. Column width and row height can be set using a combination of flexible and fixed units.
Table Scrolling:
Tables can be set to scroll, with optional sticky column and row headers to keep headers pinned to the edge and visible at all times.
Table Responsiveness:
Tables can be set to display as blocks or accordion at tablet and phone size – with the option of breaking by columns or by rows. View the tables below at tablet size to see the difference.
Column & Row Span:
Table cells can be set to span across multiple columns and rows. Even complex table configurations, like the one below, still work beautifully at tablet and phone size.
Table Content:
Table content can include text, icons, buttons and images. For a complete list of available icons, please see here.
Table Frame:
Tables can be framed with gaps or lines. Gaps put a space between each table cell – allowing background colors and images to show through. Lines frame each cell with a solid or decorative border.